
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables



Arts & crafts, early science, vocabulary-building, relaxation and outdoor activities and ideas for springtime activity planning!

In the Educatall Club
Photo booth accessories, activity sheets, decorations, dominoes, coloring activities, and other documents for welcoming spring.

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

ALL THEMES See 2025 schedule



(Open stickers-Spring) Print the illustrations on adhesive paper and use them to create original stickers for your group.


Task chart-Spring
(Open task chart-Spring) Print and laminate. Display the chart on a wall. Use adhesive putty to add the various tasks you have chosen for your group. Children can add a check next to the tasks as they complete them.


Springtime tree
In the back to school theme, we suggested you display a tree trunk on a wall within your daycare to accompany your themes and decorate throughout the year. To decorate your tree for spring, add tiny buds along its branches.


Spring bannerStickers-Spring.jpg
(Open banner-Spring) (Open banner-Spring-small) Print and laminate. Use the banners to decorate your daycare. Decorate the walls of your daycare with spring-related items such as flowers, umbrellas, water droplets, apple blossoms, etc. Hang fabric flowers from the ceiling with fishing wire or pastel ribbon. Hang a piece of tulle from the ceiling and set flowers, leaves, etc. on it. This represents a great way to decorate your reading corner.


(Open educa-theme-Spring) Print and laminate the different elements representing the theme. Use them to present the theme to your group (and their parents) while decorating your daycare.


(Open educa-decorate-Spring) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Use them to decorate your walls and set the mood for the theme.


(Open garland-Spring) Print and let children decorate the garland elements. Cut out the items and use them to create a garland that can be hung near your daycare entrance or within your daycare. Hang tissue paper garlands from the ceiling. Add a clothesline, paper suns, flowers, and butterflies.


Spring clothing memoEduca-theme-Spring
(Open poster-Spring clothing) Print for each child. Use the memo to remind parents of the importance of sending adequate clothing for their child each day.


Weather wheel
(Open weather wheel) Print, laminate, and display within your daycare. Each day, pick a child who will be the group's meteorologist. He will be responsible for the weather wheel. Discuss the day's weather as a group to determine the proper positioning of the arrows. Have your meteorologist place the arrows on the wheel, using both arrows if, for example, it is partly sunny and partly cloudy. Otherwise, both arrows can be placed on the same pictogram. Gather objects corresponding to the various seasons and ask children to associate each one to the correct season. Ask them questions to identify the main characteristics of each season: weather, activities, changes in nature, means of transportation, etc.


Collective spring mural
Hang an old white sheet on the wall, at children's level. Provide fabric flowers, paint, tissue paper, and crayons. Have them create a colourful garden.


The clotheslineEduca-decorate-Spring-1
Have children draw and cut out spring pictures. Using clothespins, they can hang them on a clothesline. This activity can be done throughout the theme.



This special tool was created in response to a special request received. (Open emotions ladder) Print and laminate. The ladder was designed to help you intervene before children's emotions explode. On one side, you will find increasing negative emotions whereas on the other side, different solutions are presented. Use the ladder to help children find alternatives that will help them avoid reaching the top of ladder and therefore an emotional explosion.



The educatall team suggests an imaginary game you can prepare for your group every day. (Open thematic letter-Spring) Print the letter and insert it in an envelope. Leave the envelope in an easy to find location within the daycare. During circle time, have children find the letter. Read portions of the letter to them each day.


Animated discussion-Spring
(Open picture game-Spring) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation with your group. Ask children questions about spring.


(Open picture game-Spring) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use a hole-punch to make a hole in the upper right and left corner of each picture. Stack the pictures and insert a ring through each set of holes. The flipogram is easy to manipulate. Simply show children how they can lift a picture and flip it under the stack. Name each item with your group. Use the flipogram to encourage children to talk during circle time and to ask them questions about the theme.


Suggested circle time questions:

  • Have you ever seen buds on tree branches?
  • Have you ever visited a sugar camp?
  • Can you name different types of birds?
  • Name things we can see when we go for walks during spring.
  • Can you name different plants, insects, or fowers?
  • What is the weather like during spring? Is there a lot of rain? Wind? Sun?
  • What can we use to avoid getting wet on a rainy day?
  • Why is sunshine important?
  • What happens to snow during spring?
  • What types of clothing can we wear during spring?
  • What happens to soil when it rains a lot?

(Open educ-chat-Spring) Print and laminate the cards. Use the subjects, verbs, and predicates to help children make complete sentences and add to their vocabulary. Arrange the cards in three piles (subjects, verbs, predicates). Ask children to take turns picking one card from each pile and "reading" the sentence. The sentences may be quite silly! If you prefer, place sets of three cards in a row and have children "read" the sentences.



The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with the group. Use them to decorate the daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-Spring) Print, laminate, and store in a "Ziploc" bag or in your thematic bins.


Memory game-Spring
(Open picture game-Spring) Print the pictures twice and use them for a memory game.



Activity sheets are provided for each theme. Print and follow instructions. (Open activity sheet-Spring) (Open activity sheets-Spring 2)


Creating your own activity binderActivity sheets-Spring
Laminate several activity sheets and writing activities and arrange them in a binder along with dry-erase markers. Leave the binder in your writing area and let children complete the pages as they wish. At the end of the day, simply wipe off their work so the activity binder can be reused over and over again.


(Open educa-spots-Spring) Print for each child. Use bingo markers to add color inside the circles. If you don't have bingo markers, stickers or cereal can also be used.


Writing activities-Spring
(Open writing activities-S like Spring) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.


Tracing words-Spring
(Open word flashcards-Spring) (Open giant word flashcards-Spring) Print several word flashcards. Glue them on pieces of paper, laminate them, and arrange them in a binder. Show children how they can trace the words using dry-erase markers. If you wish, leave room under each word so children can try to write the words without tracing the letters.


(Open stationery-Spring) Print. Use the stationery to communicate with parents, in your writing area, or to identify your thematic bins.


(Open educa-nuudles-Spring) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet and use Magic Nuudles to give it a three-dimensional look. Variation: You don't have Magic Nuudles? Have children fill the spaces designed for Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers. To order Magic Nuudles



Posters-Spring workshops
(Open posters-Spring workshops) Print, laminate, and display to identify your various workshops.


Workshop planning booklet-Spring
(Open workshop planning booklet-Spring) Print, laminate, and use the grid with a dry-erase marker. This essential tool will help you prepare and create the material you need for your various workshops, organize your environment, and plan per the interests of the children in your group. It will also help you analyze your weekly activities.


Workshop follow-up booklet-SpringStationery-Spring
(Open workshop follow-up booklet-Spring) Print for each child. This booklet will help you better understand how workshops foster children's development.


Sensory bins:

  • A container filled with soil and plastic gardening tools or utensils, a few containers, plastic vegetables to make it look like a real garden, seeds for planting, and a watering can to turn the soil into mud!
  • A container filled with snow that has begun to melt (if you still have some ).
  • A container filled with sunflower seeds (beware of allergies).

Construction and building blocks:

  • Containers for sowing seeds (plastic or other material) that can be stacked.
  • Plastic plant containers for building towers.
  • Plastic flowerbed borders can be used to define the playing area.
  • Artificial flowers and various sizes of containers for creating planters.

Manipulation and fine motor skills:Workshop follow up booklet-Spring

  • Transparent bottles containing different types of seedlings and pictures of what the seeds will become as they grow...for associations.
  • A series of illustrations showing each stage from the seed to the adult flower. Children can mix them up and put them back in the correct order.
  • Homemade or store-bought puzzles representing various springtime elements.
  • Scented modeling dough in springtime colours along with cookie cutters representing flowers, leaves, vegetables. You may add tiny artificial flowers...children will love planting them in the dough.
  • A memory game.

Role play:

  • Plastic gardening tools, gardening gloves, a straw hat, jeans, plastic flower pots, fabric or plastic flowers, empty seed envelopes, etc.
  • Rubber boots, a rain coat, an umbrella...

Arts & crafts:

  • Workshop planning booklet-SpringDifferent types of paper in springtime colours (green, brown, yellow...) as well as very colourful paper which may be used to create flowers of all kinds. Provide models for children.
  • Tissue paper for making flowers.
  • Coloring pages related to the theme.
  • Seeds that can be glued on paper to create lovely images. Black sunflower seeds are very pretty on light paper.

Reading and relaxation:

  • Picture books about spring and other seasons.
  • Storybooks related to spring.
  • CDs with sounds from nature (birds singing).


  • Grow grass or alfalfa in a Styrofoam glass and create funny characters.
  • Plant seeds with your group.
  • Magnifying glasses may be used to observe various elements of nature.
  • Binoculars may be used for birdwatching outdoors or through a window.

WORD FLASHCARDSGiant word flashcards-Spring-1

The flashcards may be used during circle time to spark a conversation with the group or in your reading and writing area. They may also be used to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Spring) (Open giant word flashcards-Spring) buds, sun, mud, rain, umbrella, tree, bird, raincoat, tulip, rubber boots, cleaning, melting


Springtime modeling dough
Give children modeling dough in springtime colours. Suggest they represent items related to spring (tree, leaf, flower, bud, etc.).


Let's chat
(Open word flashcards-Spring) (Open giant word flashcards-Spring) Print and laminate the word flashcards. Have each child pick a word and present it to the group (ex. umbrella). Ask them questions to see what they know about the theme.


Reinvented scrabble
(Open word flashcards-Spring) (Open giant word flashcards-Spring) Print many copies of the word flashcards and encourage children to use scrabble tiles to write the words. Manipulating the small tiles represents a great fine motor skill exercise. At the same time, children will notice which letters make up the different words.


Word association-SpringGiant word flashcards-Spring-2
(Open word flashcards-Spring) (Open giant word flashcards-Spring) Print two copies of several different word flashcards. On a large piece of cardboard, stick one copy of each flashcard vertically to create a word column. Cut the second copy of each word flashcard so you have the word on one side and the illustration on the other side. Attach Velcro behind each part as well as to the right of the uncut flashcards (on the cardboard). Arrange the cut flashcards on the table and encourage children to look at your flashcard board to identify a matching word and illustration. When they succeed, they may stick them next to the corresponding flashcard, on your board. This exercise will help children associate words with pictures.


Word tree-Spring
(Open word flashcards-Spring) (Open giant word flashcards-Spring) Print several word flashcards. Use a hole-punch to make a hole at the top of each flashcard. Thread a ribbon through each hole and tie a knot. Bring the word flashcards outside and encourage children to use them to decorate a tree. Every time a child adds a flashcard, invite him/her to "read" the corresponding word. Children will be happy to repeat this activity many times. Eventually, they will learn to recognize the words.


Word clotheslineGiant word flashcards-Spring-3
(Open word flashcards-Spring) (Open giant word flashcards-Spring) Print two copies of several word flashcards. Hang one copy of each word on an indoor clothesline with colourful clothespins. Arrange the copies in a pile on a table. Let children take turns picking a word and finding the matching word on the clothesline. When they find a match, they can place the flashcard on top of the one that was already hanging on the clothesline. Help younger children manipulate the clothespins if necessary.


Word race
(Open word flashcards-Spring) (Open giant word flashcards-Spring) Print several word flashcards and hide them throughout your daycare or yard. Divide your group into two teams. When you give them the signal, children must search for the flashcards for a pre-determined period, for example three minutes. When the time is up, children must be able to "read" their flashcards to earn a point for their team. If they are unable to find the correct word, the other team can earn the point if they succeed.


Sequential story-Grass
(Open sequential story-Grass) Print the story, laminate the illustrations, and cut them out. Children must place the illustrations to recreate the story.


Associating words and picturesSequential story-Grass
(Open word flashcards-Grass) Print, laminate, and display the word flashcards on a wall in your circle time area or on a large piece of cardboard that can easily be moved around. Name a word and have a child point to the corresponding flashcard.


Felt board-Spring
(Open felt board-Spring) Print the items and glue them on felt pieces. Glue four pieces of black felt on a large piece of cardboard to create a felt board and hang it on a wall. The felt items will easily stick to your board. Children will enjoy using them to create a variety of scenes and stories.


Sequential story-Spring
(Open sequential story-Spring) Print the story, laminate the illustrations, and cut them out. Children must place the illustrations to recreate the story.


Spring scene
(Open scene-Spring) Print, laminate, and cut out the pieces. Children can use them to decorate the scene.



Steps for getting dressed-SpringScene-Spring-1
(Open steps spring clothes) Print, laminate, and stick Velcro behind each piece. Display the steps on a wall to represent a staircase, with the first clothing item children must put on at the top of the stairs and the last one at the bottom.


How to use this illustrated routine:

  • First, present the tool to your group. Explain how the stairs will help them know the order in which they must put clothing items on when it's time to go outside. Name each item together.
  • To help children learn the steps, get dressed with your group. Work with one illustration at a time and remove the illustration once the step is completed. This will help children visualize what they still have to put on. Once children have acquired experience, you can leave the pictures displayed at all times.
  • Look at each step with your group and have them put only the corresponding item on.
  • To verify if children understand each step, invite them to explain them to you.
  • Even once children can dress themselves, leave the steps displayed. They can refer to the illustrations if necessary.
  • If a child is unable to identify which step comes next, review the steps, starting with the first one. For each step, ask the child if he has put the corresponding clothing item on yet or not.

Game-This is my spot-SpringScene-Spring-2
(Open game-This is my spot-Spring) Print each illustration twice. Use adhesive paper to secure one copy of each illustration on the table. Deposit the second copy of each illustration in an opaque bag and invite children to pick a card that will determine their spot at the table (corresponding illustration). The illustrations can also be used to determine children's naptime spots or their place in the task train.


They're calling your number
Glue a sun or tulip on each chair at the table, making sure you have a copy of each one on hand. At lunch or snack time, invite children to come pick a sun or tulip to determine where they shall sit (corresponding number).


Spring stroll
Arrange yellow construction paper sun shapes on the floor. Invite children to hop on the shapes in a variety of different ways: on one foot, on two feet, backwards, etc. Each hop will help them work on their gross motor skills.


Giant hopscotch Game-This is my spot-Spring
Use adhesive tape to draw a large hopscotch grid on the floor within your daycare. You may, for example, use it to connect two areas. Show children how they must alternate hops on one foot and on two feet. Draw a spring-related item in each square.


Flower-filled lunch
If possible, purchase a large flower pot filled with tulips or hyacinths (fragrant flowers) with your group. Set the flowers in the centre of your table or nearby at lunch time. Variation: Print illustrations or pictures of flowers that grow during spring (daffodils, tulips, crocuses, etc.). Laminate them directly on the table or on a plastic tablecloth. Observe the flowers with your group, name them, and identify the color of each one.


My umbrella path
(Open my umbrella path) Print, laminate, and arrange the illustrations on the floor to create a path leading to various areas within your daycare. The path can lead to areas frequently visited by children throughout the day such as the bathroom, the cloakroom, etc. or, if you prefer, delimit your workshops.



String activities-Spring
(Open string activities-Spring) Print for each child. Children trace the outlines with white glue before covering them with colourful string.


Lacing-SpringMy umbrella path
(Open lacing-Spring) Print, laminate, and punch holes around each model. Children can thread ribbon, string, or a shoelace through the holes.


Flower hunt
(Open models-flowers) Print, cut out, and laminate several flowers. Hide them throughout the daycare before children arrive. Invite children to collect the flowers and deposit them in a pretty pastel basket you have set on a table.


Springtime musical chairs
Arrange several spring-related illustrations on the floor (one per child) and use them for a modified game of musical "chairs". You can remove one illustration after each round for a more competitive version.


Spring moves
Invite children to move about the daycare pretending they are wind, falling rain, a kite flying in the sky, frogs hopping around a pond, birds flying, caterpillars turning into butterflies, chicks breaking out of eggs, etc.


Spring modeling doughLacing-Spring
Provide pastel modeling dough and invite children to use it to represent flowers, trees, leaves, etc.


Explain to your group how the groundhog leaves his burrow every spring. If it sees its shadow and is afraid of it, winter will last six more weeks. If the groundhog does not see its shadow, spring is almost here. Play a groundhog game. Create an obstacle course. Have children slither under chairs, roll around, crawl... You may hide a picture of a groundhog and have children try to find it before the music stops. If they don't succeed, spring will arrive late! (Open pictogram-Groundhog)


Spring clothing
Place spring clothing at one end of the daycare. Children must run to the pile of clothing, put an item of clothing on, and run back to the start line. This is a great way to help children learn to dress themselves. If they select an item which has buttons or a zipper, children simply do their best.



Rain danceFinger-game-Thunderstorm
Ask children to bring their umbrella and rubber boots to daycare. Keep them for the duration of the theme. On a rainy day, go for a walk with your group and invent your very own rain dance. If the sun shines throughout the week, pretend it's raining to enjoy this activity.


Walking in the rain
Ask parents to leave their child's rubber boots and umbrella at daycare for the week. Go for a walk in your neighbourhood on a rainy day.


Help children notice how they all have a shadow. Help each child trace it with chalk. Try to enlarge it, shrink it, etc. by changing their position.



Growing flowersCounting cards-Spring-1
To begin, children roll up in a ball to represent a tiny seed planted in the ground. Gently, they stretch out their limbs and stand to represent a growing flower. Next, they stretch their arms up high (petals). Once the flowers are completely grown, they can sway from side to side as if they are being rocked by a gentle breeze.


The wind is blowing
Arrange feathers or other very light objects in a pile. Have children blow like the wind on the pile to move the objects as far as possible.


Sleeping with chirping birds
Purchase a CD with chirping birds in the background or other sounds of nature. Play the CD during naptime (or a relaxation period).


Soft massage
Give each child a cotton ball to represent a tree bud. Have them pick a partner. They can use their cotton ball to gently massage their partner's hands,, feet, and back.



Musical spring
(Open game-This is my spot-Spring) Print, laminate, and arrange the illustrations on the floor within your daycare. To the sound of music, children move around the daycare. When the music stops, they must quickly find an illustration to stand on.


Thunderstorm (finger game)
(Open finger game-Thunderstorm) Print and laminate the cards. Sit at a table with your group and use your fingers to represent the different stages of a thunderstorm.
It's drizzling: Gently tap the table with your index finger.
It's raining: Gently tap the table with your open hand.
It's pouring: Increase the speed at which you are tapping the table with your open hand.
It's a hail storm: Bang your fist on the table.
There is lightning: Use your mouth to represent the sound we associate with lightning.
Thunder: Bang your fist on the table as hard as you can.


Playing in the waterCounting cards-Spring-3
Cut puddle shapes out of heavy cardboard. Wrap them in aluminum paper or paint them with blue poster paint. Set the cardboard puddles on the floor throughout your daycare. Use a tambourine to give children instructions. For example, if you tap the tambourine once, they are to stomp in a "puddle". If you tap the tambourine twice, they must walk around a puddle. Finally, if you tap the tambourine three times, they must jump in a "puddle".


Whistling like a finch
Teach children to whistle like birds. Provide them with plenty of opportunities to practice throughout the week. You can invite older children to practice with crackers in their mouth!


Rain dance
Gather your musical instruments. Let each child pick one. Use the instruments to invent an original rain dance.


Counting cards-SpringEduca-symmetry-Spring
(Open counting cards-Spring) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of wooden clothespins on which you can paint or draw numbers 1 to 9. Children count the items on each card and place the corresponding clothespin on the correct number.


(Educa-symmetry-Spring) Print. Children must color the picture on the bottom to make it look exactly like the picture on the top.


(Open educ-intruder-Spring) Print and laminate. Children must find the six items.


Roll and color-Spring
(Open roll and color-Spring) Print for each child. This game can be enjoyed individually or as a group. Children take turns rolling a die, counting the dots, and coloring the corresponding part.


(Open mandalas-Spring) Print for each child. Children must color the parts using pastel colors.


(Open tangrams-Spring) Print, laminate, and cut out the pieces. Children use them to represent a variety of elements.


(Open dominoes-Spring) Print and laminate the dominoes. Children pick five dominoes each. Arrange the other dominoes in a pile, except for one that is placed in the centre of the table. Children take turns trying to match an item to an item on the end of the available dominoes. If they cannot play a domino they already have, they must pick another one. If they cannot play it either, their turn is over.


(Open educ-trace-Spring) Print for each child. Children must trace the lines using a crayon of the designated color and then color the item at the end of each line with the corresponding color.


(Open bingo-Spring) Print and play bingo with your group. Invite parents and grandparents to join you to celebrate spring. Store the cards and pieces in a Ziploc bag.


Big and small-SpringEduc-trace-Spring
(Open educ-big and small-Spring) Print and laminate the game. Children must determine the correct order for each set of cards, from the smallest to the biggest item, and arrange them in the squares using Velcro or adhesive putty.


What's missing?-Spring
Collect several items found in nature representing spring. Set them on a table and invite children to observe them closely for a few minutes. Hide the items with a blanket and discreetly remove one or more items. Children try to identify the missing item(s).


Clothing game
(Open game-seasonal clothing) Print and laminate the posters and clothing items. Let children associate the clothing items to the correct season.



I dress appropriately
(Open game-I am learning to dress myself) Print and laminate. Ask children to dress the doll according to precise instructions. For example, you may ask them how the doll should dress in winter or when it is raining, etc.


Spring cleaningBingo-Spring-1
Provide children with sponges, towels, and pails of soapy water. Turn spring cleaning into a game both indoors and out.


Miming words
(Open word flashcards-Spring) (Open giant word flashcards-Spring) Print and laminate the flashcards. Deposit them in an opaque bag and use them for a mime game. Children take turns picking a word and miming it so the other children can identify the correct word. For example, if a child picks the word "scarf", he/she can pretend to wrap a scarf around his/her neck.


Photo booth-Spring
(Open photo booth-Spring) Print the various accessories, cut them out, and glue a drinking straw behind each one. Purchase hats, scarves, glasses, etc. at your local dollar store. Create a wintery décor using a large piece of cardboard or curtain. Invite children to pick the accessories they prefer and pose for you. You can take individual, group, or family photos. Print the pictures and display them on a wall for everyone to see.



CarnationsPhoto booth-Spring
Purchase white carnations. Place the carnations in coloured water (let children choose the colours) and have children notice the transformations during the following hours.


Where does the snow go?
Fill a container with snow and bring it inside the daycare. Watch the snow change with your group. The snow melts and becomes water. Make sure children make the connection between the water in the container and the snow outside. It turns into water because the temperature is warmer. The water is then absorbed by the ground. Fill another container with soil. Have children pour the water which is the result of the melted snow on the soil so they can see how it is absorbed.


Let's observe nature
Purchase a variety of seeds. Try to find seeds of different sizes and shapes. You may also have both flower and vegetable seeds. Present the seed envelopes to your group. Ask them what they think the seeds inside the envelopes look like. Empty the contents of the envelopes on a white plate. Let children manipulate the seeds. Have them identify similarities and differences. (Open Step by step guide to planting seeds) We have prepared an illustrated guide for planting your seeds.


Hairy springEduc-big and small-Spring
Grow hair on a silly face. (Open pictogram-Silly faces) Have children choose the silly face they prefer, cut it out, and glue it on a plastic or Styrofoam glass. If the glasses are made of clear plastic, children will be able to observe the roots as they grow. Have children fill their glasses with soil. Moisten. It is very important that you always keep the soil moist. Have children water their silly face every morning using a spray bottle. They will love cutting his hair when the grass is long enough!


Growing seedlings
Spring is the season during which many people plant seedlings indoors. Let children manipulate the soil. With their help, deposit dirt in a container and plant seeds. Catnip represents a great choice since it grows quickly. Herbs are also quite interesting, especially because children will love eating them once they have grown.


Nature is coming back to life
Go for a walk with your group. Collect tree branches with buds and set them in water-filled vases within your daycare. Observe them closely over the course of the next few days to see leaves grow.


Exploration binSteps spring clothes
In spring, it rains. When rain mixes with soil, it becomes mud. Take a break from your traditional rice bin and offer a new texture...let children play in the mud!


Seed bin
Fill a large bin with a variety of seeds and let children observe and manipulate them. Add tiny containers they can fill and empty repeatedly.


White clouds
Set a large piece of dark plastic on the floor, a blue shower curtain for example. Give each child a small serving of whipped cream. Ask them to spread the whipped cream on the plastic to represent clouds.


Food for the birds
Thread Cheerios cereal on a long string. Attach both ends together to form a necklace and hang it in a tree in your yard. Observe the birds. They are sure to appreciate this treat.



Bird feeder
Have children slide grapes, apple and orange pieces, and other types of fruit you may have on hand onto wooden skewers. Attach a long piece of string to each end of the skewers and hang them in a tree.


Rainwater, well waterMandalas-Spring
Serve several different types of water:

  • Mineral water
  • Distilled water
  • Tap water
  • Spring water
  • Maple water
  • Fruity water
  • Salt water
  • Water with ice cubes
  • etc.

Edible mud
Prepare chocolate pudding with your group. Before serving it, slide a few jelly worms in each child's bowl and sprinkle Oreo crumbs on top. They will eat their edible mud right up!


Spring rolls
Prepare spring rolls with your group. You will need wonton wrappers and the following ingredients. Obviously, you can play with the stuffing ingredients as you wish.


Spring roll stuffing:Models-circle

  • ½ cup of chopped bamboo shoots
  • 1 cup of ground chicken
  • ¼ cup of mushrooms, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • ¼ cup of sugar
  • Salt and pepper
  • ½ teaspoon of cornstarch


  1. Combine all stuffing ingredients.
  2. Deposit 2 tablespoons of stuffing in the centre of each wonton wrapper and fold the ends over the stuffing.
  3. Spread egg yolk all over each spring roll.
  4. Bake the spring rolls in the oven for approximately 10 minutes or in a fryer for 2 minutes.


Bird feeder
Make a bird feeder out of a 2-litre cardboard milk carton. There are two different methods:

  1. Make holes at the top of the container and thread string through the holes to hang it from a branch. Cut a large door out of one side of the carton. Decorate and add a variety of seeds.
  2. Cut the milk carton in two. Keep the bottom part. Decorate it and add seeds. To hang it from a branch, make holes on either side.

Colourful stonesModels-Flowers
Search for small stones which can be found under snow. Select a few with different shapes and bring them indoors to paint them. Display your colourful stones on a window sill or on a shelf.


Big gardens
Hang a large sheet of paper on the wall and make a collective garden. Draw flower stems and make handprints to create beautiful tulips. Add green straw (used for Easter baskets) for grass.


The birds are returning
(Open models-Bird) Have children cut out their bird and decorate it as they please. Provide a variety of materials. Remember to include feathers. Hang them from the ceiling throughout the daycare.


Have children paint sections of an egg carton with springtime colours. Let dry. Cut out each section and insert pipe cleaners. Place your tulips in a vase or insert them in a Styrofoam block.


My ladybugPuppets-Spring
Cut a ladybug body out of red construction paper. Using black finger paint, invite children to add spots with their index finger. Make two holes at the top of the ladybug and thread a black pipe cleaner through for the antennae.


My budding tree
Provide each child with a sheet of paper, a straw, and brown paint. Encourage children to let drops of paint fall on their paper. Have them blow on the paint to make tree branches. When they are done, set aside to dry. When the branches are dry, have children glue crumpled pieces of tissue paper (buds) to the branches.


The sun is back
(Open models-Circles) Trace the models on yellow and orange construction paper. The large circle should be on one colour and the small circle on the other colour. Children cut out the circles and glue the small circle on the large circle. Have them cut strips of construction paper for the sun's rays. They can glue them around the sun. When they are done, invite them to draw a face on their sun.


Spring bonnet
(Open models-Flowers) Print several copies. Have children colour and decorate their flowers. They can cut a strip of cardboard long enough to fit around the contour of their head. Tell them to glue their flowers around the cardboard strip.


Cut a circle out of construction paper. Fold it in four parts. Unfold it and insert a pipe cleaner in the centre to represent the umbrella's handle. Children can decorate their umbrella as they wish.

Illustrated nature
On a beautiful sunny day, take a walk with your group. Have them collect all of spring's gifts: rocks, sand, branches, small pieces of leaves or grass... Let the items dry and then glue them on a large piece of paper.


Window art
Give each child clear plastic document protectors. Let them paint on them with yellow poster paint. Add a few drops of water under each one and stick them on a window to admire unique stained glass decorations.


(Open puppets-Spring) Print the various models on cardboard. Ask children to cut them out and decorate them with arts & crafts materials. Glue a Popsicle stick behind each one to complete the puppets.


Spring pinwheelModels-Spring
(Open craft-Pinwheel) Print and assemble a pinwheel for each child. Ask children to color their pinwheel. Attach a drinking straw or wooden skewer to the pinwheels and take them outside for a quick spin.


(Open stencils-Spring) Print and cut out. Children can use the stencils to trace and paint a variety of items related to the theme.


(Open models-Spring) Print the models and use them for your various projects and needs throughout the theme.


Hand butterflies
Paint children's hands and press them on paper to represent a butterfly's upper wings. Print their hands with their fingers spread out wide and their thumb tucked in. For the bottom wings, repeat, turning the paper sideways. Use a marker to draw a butterfly body, antennae, and eyes.


Spring butterfly
You will need food coloring, a coffee filter, an eyedropper, a clothespin, and a pipe cleaner. Mix the food coloring with water. Using the eyedropper, deposit a few drops of the mixture on the coffee filter. Let dry. Draw eyes and a butterfly body on the clothespin. Insert the pipe cleaner in the clothespin to create antennae, twisting them in place.


Flower muralComplete the drawing-Spring
For this mural, you will need paper muffin cups. Glue a few muffin cups on a large piece of paper. They will become flowers. Paint the centre of each muffin cup with yellow (or color of choice) poster paint. Paint the contour of each flower too. Add stems. Complete your mural by drawing or gluing a variety of spring-related items (sun, grass, trees, etc.).


Spring colors
Introduce children to pastel colors. Have fun creating pastel colors by adding a few drops of white paint to any primary colors you have on hand. Encourage children to use their pastel paint to represent spring.


Windy painting
Use drinking straws to paint and help children understand wind. Pour a spoonful of paint on a piece of paper in front of each child. Ask children to blow through a straw to spread the paint around.



(Open coloring pages theme-Spring) Print for each child.



Identical coloring pages-Spring
Print the same coloring page for each child and an additional copy for your model. Color only certain parts of your picture. Present the model to your group and ask them to color their picture to make it look exactly like yours.


Coloring binder-Spring
Print and laminate several coloring pages and arrange them in a binder with a few dry-erase markers. Leave everything on a table for children to explore.


Musical drawing-Spring
Play musical drawing with your group. Give each child a coloring page. Have children sit around a table. When the music starts, they must pass the coloring pages around the table. Every time the music stops, they must color the picture in front of them until the music starts again.


Homemade puzzles-Spring
Give each child a picture to color. When they are done, cut each picture into pieces to create unique puzzles.


Complete the drawing-SpringI am learning to draw-A tree
(Open complete the drawing-Spring) Print for each child. Children must draw the missing items.


I am learning to draw-A tree
(Open I am learning to draw-A tree) Print and laminate the model sheet. Invite children to practice their drawing technique on the model sheet before attempting to draw a tree on their own.


Creative coloring-Spring
(Open creative coloring-Spring) Print for each child. Have children complete the drawing as they see fit.


(Open scrapbook-Spring) Print this new page for each child. Complete it and add it to their scrapbook. If you do not already have a scrapbook, visit the scrapbook section in the educatall club.


Rain, rain, go away

Rain, rain, go awayScrapbook-Spring
Come again some other day
We want to go outside and play
Come again some other day

A nice stroll

by: Patricia Morrison Sung to: Sleigh bells


Just hear those birds tweet, tweetling
Singing and chirping too
Come on it's perfect weather
For a nice stroll together with you
Outside the snow is melting
And friends are calling on you
Come on it's perfect weather
For a nice stroll together with you


Have fun

The Educatall team


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