
Pre-K activities, learning games, crafts, and printables



Workshops, circle time fun, crafts, games, and activities that are perfect for teaching children all about fire safety!

In the Educatall Club
Word flashcards, posters, garlands, activity sheets, coloring pages, puppets, and many more printables for our fire theme.

Educatall Club
Educatall Club

ALL THEMES See 2025 schedule


SPECIAL TOOLPicture game-Fire-1


This tool was created in response to a special request received. (Open group identification-Platypuses) Print and display in various areas within your daycare.




During circle time, show children a smoke detector. Press the test button so children can hear the alarm. Ask them what they should do if they hear the smoke detector. Giving children the chance to hear the smoke detector alarm may help reduce fear and anxiety surrounding fire drills. Sound the alarm before a fire drill. Select a meeting place that children can go to if the daycare needs to be evacuated. A neighbour’s house or an isolated area in your yard may be good choices. Teach children to crawl to the nearest exit whenever they hear the smoke detector alarm, to slither like a snake if there is a lot of smoke and roll around on the floor if their clothing items catch fire. Use this illustrated procedure. (Open poster-fire drill)

 Picture game-Fire-2

Animated discussion-Fire

(Open picture game-Fire) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use them to spark a conversation and ask children questions about the theme.


I can talk about fire…using a puppet

Use a puppet to discuss various subjects related to the theme. The puppet may help shy children overcome their timidity. What’s more, it may help children who require language support. One thing is certain, the puppet will encourage children to speak!


The clothesline

Children draw and cut out pictures of flames, fire, matches, etc. Next, using clothespins, hang them on an indoor clothesline. They can add to their homemade garland throughout the theme.



(Open picture game-Fire) Print and laminate the pictures in the format you prefer. Use a hole-punch to make a hole in the upper right and left corner of each picture. Stack the pictures and insert a ring through each set of holes. The flipogram is easy to manipulate. Simply show children how they can lift a picture and flip it under the stack. Name each item with your group. Use the flipogram to encourage children to talk during circle time and to ask them questions about the theme.



(Open educ-chat-Fire) Educ-chat is a game which is made up of several different illustrations which represent subjects, verbs, and objects. They can be used to help children make complete sentences and enrich their vocabulary.


Print, cut out, and laminate the cards. Make three different piles (subjects, verbs, and objects). Ask children to pick three cards, one from each pile. Have them “read” the sentence. The sentences will sometimes be quite silly, but you are sure to have fun. You may also choose to place the cards yourself and have children “read” the sentences.Educa-decorate-Fire-1




Thematic poster-Fire

(Open thematic poster-Fire) Print, laminate, and display where children are sure to see it.



(Open educa-theme-Fire) Print and laminate the different elements representing the theme. Use them to present the theme to your group (and children’s parents) while decorating your daycare.



(Open educa-decorate-Fire) Print, laminate, and cut out the illustrations. Use them to decorate your walls and set the mood for the theme.


Stickers-FireFloor illustrations-Fire

(Open stickers-Fire) Print the illustrations on adhesive paper and use them to create a collection of unique stickers. Use them to reward children throughout the theme.


Fire-themed ceiling

Hang pictures of flames from your daycare ceiling. On the walls, display a variety of pictures and let children observe and admire them throughout the week.


My fire-themed floor

(Open floor illustrations-Fire) Print and have children color the items. Cut them out and press them on the floor using adhesive paper. The illustrations can delimit your daycare corners and workshops and be used to create a path linking various areas.


Building on fire

Keep 3 sides of a cardboard box and set them on the floor vertically to represent an apartment building. Cut several squares to represent windows and, using a marker, draw bricks on the entire outer surface of you building. Cut squares of red, yellow, and orange tissue paper. Overlap several pieces at a time, pinch them in the center, and twist the bottom to make them look like flames. Glue these flames in the windows. The more flames you make, the bigger the fire!



(Open garland-Fire) Print the illustrations. Let children decorate them. Cut them out and hang them within your daycare or near your daycare entrance to create a garland.


Educa-decorate-Fire prevention

(Open educa-decorate-Fire prevention) Print, laminate, and cut out the various items. Use them to decorate your daycare and set the mood for the theme.


Garland-Fire prevention

(Open garland-Fire prevention) Print the illustrations. Let children decorate them. Cut them out and hang them within your daycare or near your daycare entrance to create a garland.


Fire prevention

(Open poster-Fire prevention) Print, laminate, and display on a wall. With your group, identify the different dangers and discuss how accidents can be prevented. Inform children of an upcoming fire drill. (Open perpetual calendar-Fire drill)



(Open educa-decorate-Dragons) Print, laminate, and cut out the various items. Use them to decorate your daycare and set the mood for the theme.




The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with the group.  Use them to decorate the daycare or a specific thematic corner. (Open picture game-Fire) Print, laminate, and store in a “Ziploc” bag or in your thematic bins.


Memory game-Fire

(Open picture game-Fire) Print the pictures twice and use them for a memory game.




Activity sheets are provided for each theme.  Print and follow instructions. (Open activity sheets-Fire) (Open activity sheets-Firefighters)

 Writing activities-F like fire

Creating your own activity binder

Laminate several activity sheets and writing activities and arrange them in a binder along with dry-erase markers. Leave the binder in your writing area and let children complete the pages as they wish. At the end of the day, simply wipe off their work so the activity binder can be reused.


Writing activities-F like fire

(Open writing activities-F like fire) (Open writing activities-D like dragon) (Open writing activities-F like firefighter) Print for each child or laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.



(Open educa-spots-Fire) Print for each child. Use bingo markers to add color to each circle. If you don’t have bingo markers, simply have children set dry cereal or press a sticker inside the circles.



(Open stationery-Fire) (Open stationery-Fire prevention) Print. Use the stationery to communicate with parents, in your writing corner, or to identify your thematic bins.



(Open educa-nuudles-Fire) (Open educa-nuudles-Firefighters) (Open educa-nuudles-Fire prevention) Print for each child. Have children color the sheet. Once they are done, they may use Magic Nuudles to turn the coloring pages into three dimensional works of art.

Variation: If you do not have Magic Nuudles, ask children to fill the spaces designed for the Magic Nuudles with bingo markers or stickers.

To order Magic Nuudles:




Construction/Building blocks:

  • All emergency figurines and vehicles (fire truck, ambulance, police, tow truck, etc.).
  • Use an old hose to create roads that can be changed over and over again.
  • Use blocks to build houses. Add figurines and pretend to save them from the flames.

Arts & crafts:Stickers-Fire

  • Red paper and firefighter helmet model that can be traced.
  • Coloring pages related to the theme.
  • Use 2-litre soft drink bottles to make oxygen bottles for your little firefighters.
  • Make your own fire extinguishers.
  • Use paint or construction paper to represent fire.

Role play:

  • Firefighter helmets and uniforms.
  • Old garden hoses or swimming pool noodles for extinguishing pretend fires.
  • Plastic axes (Halloween accessories).
  • Oxygen bottles (2-litre soft drink bottles).


  • Fire safety puzzles.
  • Red, yellow, and orange modeling dough.
  • Laminated fire prevention theme picture game.
  • Laminated hot and cold theme picture game.
  • Sequential story illustrating the steps to follow for an evacuation, a fire drill, or if clothing items are on fire.

Reading/relaxation:Giant word flashcards-Fire-1

  • Books about firefighters and related professions (policeman, EMT, etc.).
  • CD of different siren sounds and headphones.
  • Stories about firefighters.
  • Volcano picture books.

Early science/kitchen:

  • Volcano experiment (baking soda and vinegar).
  • All experiments involving fire.
  • A candlelit lunch.



Word flashcards

Use the flashcards to spark a conversation with your group, in your reading and writing corner, or to identify your thematic bins. (Open word flashcards-Fire) (Open giant word flashcards-Fire) Print. fire, flame, embers, fire extinguisher, heat, smoke detector, ashes, firefighter, fire, candle, fireplace, forest

 Sequential story-Fire

Sequential story-Fire

(Open sequential story-Fire) Print and laminate the illustrations. Children must arrange them in the correct order to recreate the story.



Cut a large flame shape out of red or orange construction paper or cardboard and press it on a wall. Brainstorm with your group. Invite children to find as many words as they can think of that are associated with fire and write them on the flame (ex. flame, fire extinguisher, firefighter, candle, fireplace, ashes, etc.).


Other word flashcards linked to the theme

(Open word flashcards-Fire prevention) (Open giant word flashcards-Fire prevention) (Open word flashcards-Firefighters) (Open giant word flashcards-Firefighters) (Open word flashcards-Volcanoes) Print.

 Word flashcards-Fire

Fire scene

(Open scene-Fire) Print, laminate, and cut out the items. Encourage children to use them to decorate the scene.


Point to (or name) the pictures

(Open giant word flashcards-Fire) (Open giant word flashcards-Fire prevention) Print, laminate, and display the word flashcards on a wall next to your circle time area or on a piece of cardboard that can easily be moved around. Name a word and encourage children to take turns pointing to the correct word flashcard.


Sequential story

(Open sequential story-Volcanoes) Print and laminate the illustrations. Children must arrange them in the correct order to recreate the story.


If I was a firefighter…

(Open If I was a firefighter) Print for each child. Invite them to color the fire truck and draw themselves behind the wheel. Encourage children to draw what they would do if they were a firefighter in the boxes at the bottom. When they are done, invite them to take turns explaining their drawings to the group.

 If I was a firefighter

What do you know about fire safety?

Cut a large fire hydrant out of red construction paper and display it on a wall. Cut several Post-it sticky notes to make them look like drops of water. Encourage children to tell you things they associate with fire safety. Write each fact on a drop of water. Children can press them around your fire hydrant. These fire safety facts can be displayed throughout the theme.




Fire hopping

(Open flame) Print and laminate. Arrange several flames on the floor and have children hop from one to the next in a variety of ways: on one foot, on two feet, like a frog, etc. This activity is great for building gross motor skills.


Flame by flame mural

Draw a large flame shape on a piece of cardboard and display it on a wall in a hallway or in your cloakroom. Set old magazines and catalogues nearby along with scissors and glue sticks. During waiting periods, encourage children to flip through the magazines and catalogues, searching for red and orange items. When they find an item, they cut it out and press it on the flame. You could have flames displayed in various areas throughout the theme.Flame


Around the campfire

Set a large metal tub in the center of your circle time area. Collect empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls and invite children to set them in the tub to represent wood. Cut flame shapes out of red, orange, and yellow Fun Foam sheets and glue them all around the inside of your tub’s rim. Set a cardboard box upside down on the floor for each child. They will represent tree stumps that children can sit on for circle time or when you read to your group.


Sound the fire alarm

(Open fire alarm) Print enough copies to completely cover all the light switches in your daycare (entrance, bathroom, cloakroom, kitchen, etc.). You can print the alarms on adhesive or regular paper. Cut out the center of each fire alarm so that you can position them over your switches and glue them in place. Children will love pretending to “sound the fire alarm” every time you need to turn lights on or off.


Thick smokeFire-alarm

Around Halloween, you can easily find a smoke machine. Use it to create smoke in your daycare prior to children’s arrival. The mysterious ambiance will be great to introduce your theme.


Game-This is my spot-Fire

(Open game-This is my spot-Fire) Print two copies of each illustration. Use adhesive paper to stick one copy of each illustration on the table. Place the second copy in a bag. Children take turns picking an illustration to determine where they must sit at the table. You may also use the illustrations to determine children’s naptime spots or their place in the task train.


My fire path

(Open my fire path) Print, laminate, and secure the illustrations on the floor of your daycare to create a path leading to the areas frequently visited by children throughout the day. The path can lead to the bathroom, the cloakroom, etc. If you prefer, use the illustrations to delimit various areas.

 Bowling game-Fire-1

Game-This is my spot-Fire prevention

(Open game-This is my spot-Fire prevention) Print two copies of each illustration. Use adhesive paper to stick one copy of each illustration on the table. Place the second copy in a bag. Children take turns picking an illustration to determine where they must sit at the table. You may also use the illustrations to determine children’s naptime spots or their place in the task train.


My flame path

(Open my flame path) Print, laminate, and secure the illustrations on the floor of your daycare to create a path leading to the areas frequently visited by children throughout the day. The path can lead to the bathroom, the cloakroom, etc. If you prefer, use the illustrations to delimit various areas.




Fire prevention mobile

(Open educa-decorate-Fire prevention) Print, cut out, and laminate the items. Hang them over your changing table with different lengths of ribbon or thread attached to a clothing hanger.

 Bowling game-Fire-2

Red and orange

Set several red and orange toys on the floor so that little ones can discover these fire-related colors.


Hanging volcano mobile

(Open educa-decorate-Volcanoes) Print and laminate the various items. Punch a hole at the top of each one and thread a ribbon through so you can hang them from a clothing hanger hung over your changing table. If you prefer, use a plastic lid as a base for your mobile. Add strips of red and orange crepe paper to represent fire.


Hot and cold

Wet several facecloths. Set them in the freezer (or outside if it’s cold enough). Wet a few more facecloths with warm water. Give each child a cold facecloth and a warm facecloth. Let them manipulate them to discover hot and cold.



 Modeling dough activity placemats-Fire-1

Bowling game-Fire

(Open bowling game-Fire) Print and use the stickers to create games. Press them on empty plastic bottles to represent bowling pins. Arrange the bowling pins on a table. Children must try to make them fall using a tennis ball. Give each child 3 tries.


Modeling dough activity placemats-Fire

(Open modeling dough activity placemats-Fire) Print and laminate. Let children pick a placemat and provide modeling dough. Encourage them to use the dough to fill or reproduce the shapes that are on their placemat.


Fine motor skills-Crumpled paper shapes

(Open models-Flame) Print for each child. Have them tear colorful tissue paper into tiny pieces. They can crumple the pieces and use them to add color to the shape they prefer. Display their artwork.

 String activities-Fire

String activities-Fire

(Open string activities-Fire) Print for each child. Children trace the outlines with white glue before covering them with colorful string.


Color by number-Fire

(Open color by number-Fire) Print for each child. Children must color the picture per the color code.


Hidden flames

(Open miniature flames) Print and laminate. Insert flames in various manipulation bins (feathers, sand, dry cereal, water, snow, ice). Encourage children to search for them.


Where is the fire hiding?

(Open miniature flames) Print and laminate. Deposit tiny flames throughout your daycare. When you give the signal, children search for them.

 Color by number-Fire

Fire! Fire!

Set 3 hula hoops in a line on the floor (or use jumping ropes to draw 3 circles). Children form a circle around the hula hoops and take turns hopping from one circle to the next to the sound of fast-paced music. When the music stops, if a child is in a circle, he must momentarily pretend he is a firefighter hosing down flames.


Let’s save the figurines

On a large white paper banner set on the floor, draw numerous flames with your group. Next, set several figurines among the flames. Provide various tools such as kitchen tongs, tweezers, spatulas, chopsticks, Popsicle sticks, etc. nearby. Children must use the tools to save the figurines.

 Miniature flames

Fire dance

For each child, you will need 2 hair ties (elastics). Invite children to cut long pieces of wide red, orange, and yellow ribbon. Help them knot one extremity of each ribbon on their hair ties to represent flames. Children can wear the hair ties on their wrists. Play music and encourage your group to make grand gestures with their arms to make the flames “dance”.


Firefighter race

For this activity, divide your group into 2 teams. You will need an equal number of flame shapes that you have cut out of Fun Foam sheets for each team. Press each team’s flames on a wall using adhesive putty. When you give the signal, the firefighters that make up each team must quickly remove all the flames to extinguish the fire. The first team who successfully removes all of its flames wins.


Firefighter walk

For this activity, you will need an old garden hose. When you go for a walk with your group, let children wear a firefighter costume and encourage them to hold on to the hose instead of your traditional walking rope. Have fun searching for fire hydrants. Every time you see one, pretend to connect your hose to it to put out a fire.

 Miniature firefighters

Firefighter hunt

(Open miniature firefighters) Print and laminate. Hide the firefighters throughout your daycare and invite children to search for them. The child who finds the most firefighters can hide them for the following round.


Fire truck lacing

(Open lacing-Fire trucks) Print, trace the shapes on heavy cardboard, and cut them out. Punch holes all the way around each model using a hole-punch. Children will enjoy lacing the shapes with a shoelace or a piece of string.


Volcano lacing

(Open lacing-Volcano) Print, trace the shapes on heavy cardboard, and cut them out. Punch holes all the way around each model using a hole-punch. Children will enjoy lacing the shapes with a shoelace or a piece of string.


Dragon lacingModels-Flame

(Open lacing-Dragon) Print, trace the shapes on heavy cardboard, and cut them out. Punch holes all the way around each model using a hole-punch. Children will enjoy lacing the shapes with a shoelace or a piece of string.


Firefighter training

Firefighters must be in great shape. Set exercise mats on the floor and encourage children to practice somersaults, rolls, jumps, etc.


Follow the chief firefighter

Children hold hands. They must follow the rhythm and reproduce the actions of the chief firefighter (first child in line). They can, for example, tiptoe or walk heavily, pretend they are climbing a ladder, etc.


Firefighter pictures

Collect several different firefighter pictures and illustrations and press them on items throughout your daycare. Children will enjoy discovering them on the floor, on cupboards, on walls, etc.

 Steps clothes on fire


(Open educa-move-Firefighters) Print and laminate the various actions. Children can take turns picking a card and miming the illustrated action. The other children must guess what he/she is doing. The child who successfully identifies the action will be the next one to act out an action.


Stop, drop, roll

(Open steps clothes on fire) Have children pretend their clothes are on fire. Teach them to stop, drop, and roll to put the fire out.


The firefighters have arrived!

Create an obstacle course with the children in your group. You will need a start and finish line. Hang a blanket from the ceiling to represent smoke. Children will have to crawl under it. Arrange exercise mats and swimming pool noodles to create a “ladder” that children must “climb” by jumping over the noodles. Set two buckets of water on the floor. Children will have to transport them to the finish line without spilling water on the floor. Children can complete the obstacle course two at a time. The first firefighter to successfully complete the obstacle course can play again with another child.


Evacuation procedure

(Open evacuation procedure) Print and laminate. Explain to your group exactly what they must do in case of a fire. Invite children to exit your daycare, crawling on their hands and knees with their head held high, pretending they are moving under smoke. You may hang a bed sheet at knee level to represent smoke. Children will want to repeat this exercise over and over again.


Mime game

On tiny pieces of paper, write simple sentences (ex. I am climbing a ladder, I am washing the firetruck, etc.). Set the pieces of paper in a jar. Children take turns picking a sentence. Help them read the sentences so they can mime the corresponding action. The child who correctly identifies the mimed action may be the next one to pick a sentence out of the jar.


Fire truck

You will need a large cardboard box (appliance) so that all the children can fit inside. As a group, find a way to transform the box to make it look like a fire truck. Find several red objects and set them inside the fire truck. This project can last several days.

 Roll & color-Fire



Roll & color-Fire

(Open roll & color-Fire) Print for each child. This game can be enjoyed individually or as a group. Children take turns rolling a die, counting the dots, and coloring the corresponding part. The first child who finishes coloring the picture wins.


Big and small-Fire

(Open big and small-Fire) Print and laminate the game. Attach Velcro behind each card. Children must press them in the squares in order, from smallest to biggest.



(Open educ-pattern-Fire) Print and laminate. Children use the cards to complete the patterns. Use Velcro or adhesive putty to stick the cards in the squares.



(Open puzzles-Fire) Print, laminate, and cut the puzzle pieces. Children must place the puzzle pieces correctly to recreate the scenes.Big and small-Fire


Fire and flames to spray

(Open fire and flames) Print, laminate, and cut out the cards. Divide your yard to create 2 playing areas. In the same way, divide your group into 2 teams and give each team a spray bottle. Using sidewalk chalk, draw the same number of fires and flames appearing on the cards in each team’s playing area. Children take turns picking a card and naming the number or shape that appears on it. The child’s team members find the corresponding fire or flame and spray water on it to make it disappear. The first team who has erased all the fires and flames in its playing area wins.


Number ladderEduc-pattern-Fire

(Open number ladder) Print a ladder and a number series for each child in your group. Print, laminate, and cut out the cards. Give each child a card. Per what is illustrated on their card they must arrange numbers on their ladder in numerical order, from bottom to top.


Dalmatian spots

(Open dalmatian spots) Print for each child. Invite them to cut out the spots and helmet (you may have to complete this step for younger children). Next, let children glue the spots in the correct places, associating the shapes. They can color the helmet as they see fit and glue it on their dalmatian’s head.


Counting cards-Firefighters

(Open counting cards-Firefighters) Print and laminate. Prepare a series of wooden clothespins on which you can paint or draw numbers 1 to 9. Children count the items on each card and place the corresponding clothespin on the correct number.

 Counting cards-Firefighters-1


(Open bingo-Fire) Print, laminate, and store in a pretty box. Play bingo with your group.



(Open educ-intruder-Fire) Print and laminate. Children must identify the six (6) intruders.


Educ-shadows-Fire prevention

(Open educ-shadows-Fire prevention) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must draw a line to the shadow which corresponds to each illustration using a dry-erase marker.


Color by number-Fire prevention

(Open color by number-Fire prevention) Print for each child. Children must use the color code to complete the picture.

 Thematic poster-Fire

Educ-same and different-Fire

(Open educ-same and different-Fire) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must circle the illustration that is different in each row.



(Open educ-pairs-Fire) Print. Children must color identical illustrations using the same color or draw a line between them. For durable, eco-friendly use, laminate for use with a dry-erase marker.


Educ-trace-Fire prevention

(Open educ-trace-Fire prevention) Print for each child. Children must trace the dotted lines using a crayon of the corresponding color and then color each object using the same color.


Educ-differences-Fire prevention

(Open educ-differences-Fire prevention) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must find the differences between the two pictures and identify them using a dry-erase marker.


Educ-math-Fire prevention

(Open educ-math-Fire prevention) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must count the items in each rectangle and circle the corresponding number.



(Open educ-shadows-Volcanoes) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must draw a line to the shadow which corresponds to each illustration using a dry-erase marker.



(Open educ-math-Volcanoes) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must count the items in each rectangle and circle the corresponding number.


Educ-same and different-Volcanoes

(Open educ-same and different-Volcanoes) Print and laminate for durable, eco-friendly use. Children must circle the illustration that is different in each row.


Magnetic memory game-Volcanoes

(Open magnetic memory game-Volcanoes) Print 2 copies and cut out the items. Glue each one on the top of a frozen juice can. Attach a magnet to one end of a homemade fishing rod (a stick with a string hanging from it). Set the metal circles upside down on the floor (so children can’t see the illustrations). Have them take turns “fishing” 2 items. If they are identical, they keep them. The child who has the most pairs at the end of the game wins.



 My fire safety data sheet

My fire safety data sheet

(Open my fire safety data sheet) Print a data sheet for each child. Children can complete it at home with their parents’ help. Once all the data sheets have been returned, use them to discuss fire safety with your group. Help children realize how knowing the details mentioned on their data sheet can give them a sense of security.


Fire! Fire!

Fill a large container with the following items: fire extinguisher, smoke detector, hose, cardboard flames (laminated if possible), firefighter uniform, etc. Set the cardboard flames in one corner of your daycare to represent a fire. Encourage children to use the other items to stop the fire. This activity can be used to introduce a fire drill or evacuation exercise.


Firefighter of the day

(Open poster-Firefighter of the day) Print and laminate the poster. Throughout the theme, pick one child each day who will get to be the group’s firefighter. Let him/her wear a firefighter helmet all day long and give him/her several different priIllustrations-Fire preventionvileges.


Safe and dangerous

(Open illustrations-Fire prevention) Print. You will need two pieces of construction paper, a green one and a red one. The green paper will represent things that are safe while the red one will represent things that are dangerous. Show the illustrations to your group and encourage children to associate them to the correct color.




Red and yellow make...

Ask children which colors can be seen in fire: red, yellow, and orange. Tell children that you are going to paint flames, but that you no longer have orange paint. Give each child a small quantity of red paint and a small quantity of yellow paint and encourage them to mix the colors together. They will be happy to see orange paint appear. Let children try to create orange using markers, coloring pencils, waxed crayons, etc.

 Modeling dough activity placemats-Fire-2

Fire is beautiful...but very hot!

Invite children to sit in a circle. Deposit a lit candle in the centre of the circle. Be sure to set you candleholder in an aluminum plate. Watch and admire the flame. Discuss why touching fire is dangerous with your group. After a while, deposit a glass jar over the candle to extinguish it.


The candle

Collect several different candles and show children how the heat from the flames melts the wax. Show them how the wax becomes liquid and then hardens again as it cools by letting the wax drip onto a piece of waxed paper. Of course, all manipulations must be done by the early childhood educator to avoid burns.


The volcano

Prepare a batch of homemade modeling dough and ask each child to use a small portion to represent a volcano. Give them 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a ½ cup of vinegar (to which you have added red or orange food coloring). Have children pour the baking soda inside their volcano and when you give them the signal, pour the vinegar over it, all at the same time to see their volcano erupt. If you prefer, make one big volcano for your group.

 Modeling dough activity placemats-Fire-3

Lava bin

Fill a sensory bin with pieces of paper, cardboard, fabric, etc. Select elements in different shades of yellow, orange, and red. Let children manipulate, tear, and crumple the contents of the bin.




Flames to extinguish

Using sidewalk chalk, draw flames on several surfaces in your yard. Children will enjoy using extinguishers they have made (see arts & crafts section) to extinguish the flames.


Don’t touch the flames

Before children arrive, cut several different sizes of flames out of red, orange, and yellow Fun Foam sheets. Glue several flames on wooden skewers or Popsicle sticks that you can then prick in the ground throughout your yard. Glue flames around hula hoops and hang them from tree branches, fairly close to the ground so that children can walk through them. Press additional flames on your play structures or inside your playhouses. Encourage children to jump over or crawl under the various flames.

 Giant word flashcards-Fire-2

The firefighter says

Instead of “Simon says...”, play “The firefighter says...”. Children must follow your instructions only if you say “The firefighter says...” first. Examples of actions: roll around on the floor, climb the ladder, etc.


I am a firefighter

Let children take turns using your hose to extinguish a pretend fire. You can also fill several buckets with water and have them pass them down the chain to encourage teamwork.


Extinguishing a fire

Use sidewalk chalk to draw flames on asphalt. Provide spray bottles children can use to put out the fire.




Musical clothing

Children sit in a circle. Set the pieces that make up a firefighter’s uniform in the center of the circle. Play music. Children pass a firefighter helmet around the circle. When the music stops, the child holding the helmet must put one piece of the firefighter’s uniform on.

 Fire truck accessories

Volcanic eruption

You will need a drum, a tambourine, or simply a metal pot and a wooden spoon. Children walk around the daycare. When you tap your instrument gently, they start hopping. When you tap harder, they must jump higher. Finally, when you tap very loudly, they must perform a series of very rapid jumps, making lava sounds. Variation: If you wish, you can do this activity with 3 different instruments and associate a different action to each one.




Tiny campfire snacks

Spread cream cheese on a rice cake for each child. Press cut grapes all around the outer edge of the rice cake (rocks). In the center of the rice cake, press long crackers or pretzel sticks (wood). To represent flames, sprinkle orange shredded cheddar cheese over the crackers or pretzels.


Fire snack

For a fun thematic snack, serve stick crackers or pretzel sticks to your group. Give each child a small plate along with a small bowl filled with softened cream cheese and a second bowl containing orange shredded cheddar cheese. Show children how they can press the sticks in the cream cheese and then in the shredded cheese (flames).

 Fire and flames

Fun snack

Deposit a platter filled with colorful fruit cut into different shapes on the table. Children pick the pieces they prefer and use them to build firefighter helmets, a fire truck, a hose, etc. Take pictures of their creations before they are gobbled up. Print and display the pictures for everyone to see.



Prepare red and orange Jell-O with your group. Cut it into cubes and let children arrange them on a plate to represent a campfire. Children will enjoy extinguishing the fire with a can of whipped cream.


My fire truck sandwich

Cut a square slice of bread in two. Cut one of the halves in two. You will have one rectangle and two squares. The rectangle will become the body of your fire truck. Arrange one square at the front of your truck to represent the motor and the other square on top to represent the cabin. Combine cream cheese with red food coloring and use this mixture to completely coat the fire truck. Add two Ritz crackers that will act as wheels and use pretzels to create a ladder. Finally, add a red jellybean on top (flashing light).


Fire salad

Use grated carrots (cabbage or celery root work fine too) to represent fire. Add raisins and mayonnaise and serve as a snack.


Firefighter hoses

Preparation: Approximately 10 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Yields: 6 servings

 Counting cards-Firefighters-2


  • 1 package of crescent roll dough
  • 1 cup of brown sugar
  • 1 cup of 35% cream


  1. Slice the dough without unrolling it. Deposit the pieces in a 9 inch x 13 inch oven-safe glass baking dish.
  2. Mix the cream and brown sugar together.
  3. Pour mixture over the dough rounds.
  4. Bake in a 350°F oven for approximately 30 minutes.

Volcano eruption

fire extinguisher label

Give each child a bowl of chocolate pudding. Have them press an upside down ice cream cone (pointy tip up) in the centre of the pudding. Provide orange and red cake frosting they can use to coat the cone to represent an erupting volcano.


Volcanic snack

Prepare red, orange, and yellow Jell-O and cut it into cubes. Mix the colors together and arrange them in a bowl for each child. Children will enjoy eating their “lava”. If you wish, you may add a dollop of whipped cream on top to “cool off” the volcano...




My tiny campfire

Prior to making this craft with your group, have children collect tiny rocks and branches when you are outside. Give each child a CD and invite them to glue rocks all the way around the outer edge. Next, have them break tree branches and glue them in the center. To represent flames, children cut small pieces of yellow, red, and orange tissue paper and glue them on the branches.

 My firefighter boots

My fire extinguisher

Give each child a spray bottle filled with water. Provide several rolls of red electrical tape. Invite children to use the tape to completely wrap their bottle (including the handle) to make it look like a fire extinguisher. (Open fire extinguisher label) Print a label for each child. Encourage them to color it, write their name on it, and cut it out so that they can glue it on their fire extinguisher. Children will love using their fire extinguisher outdoors.


My firefighter boots

(Open my firefighter boots) Print the model on heavy paper for each child and invite them to trace 2 boots on black Fun Foam. They can cut out their boots. Have them cut 2 solid bands out of yellow Fun Foam for each boot. Children can glue the decorative bands at the top of their boots. To complete their firefighter boots, have them draw a line along the bottom of each boot using glitter glue (sole).



(Open puppets-Fire) Print the puppet models on heavy cardboard. Invite children to cut them out and decorate them with various materials. Attach a Popsicle stick to the back of each model to create a puppet.

 Counting cards-Firefighters-3


(Open puppets-Firefighter) Print the puppet models on heavy cardboard. Invite children to cut them out and decorate them with various materials. Attach a Popsicle stick to the back of each model to create a puppet.



(Open stencils-Fire) Print and cut out the various shapes. Children can use them to trace or paint a variety of items related to the theme.


My miniature firefighter

(Open my miniature firefighter) Print, color, and cut out the pieces. Glue them on empty toilet paper rolls to create figurines. Hang them from the ceiling if you wish.


Fire is hot

Pour a few drops of yellow and red poster paint on a sheet of paper and encourage children to blow through a drinking straw to spread the paint and create pretty flames.

 Giant word flashcards-Fire-3

Fire truck

You will need the top of an egg carton for each child. Have them paint it red. Cut circles out of black construction paper to represent wheels and glue them on either side of the egg carton lid. Cut a ladder out of the black construction paper. Apply glue all over and sprinkle silver glitter on it. Stick the ladder on the fire truck.


My smoke detector

Give each child two medium-sized paper plates. Invite children to decorate them as they wish. When they are done, help them staple or stick their plates together using adhesive tape. Ask children to add a red button to complete their smoke detector. Take advantage of this activity to identify the different smoke detectors present within your daycare.


My emergency vehicle

Give each child a large cardboard box or divide your group into two teams and give each team one box. Encourage them to create their very own emergency vehicle using poster paint, paper, cardboard, and a variety of recycled materials.

 Big and small-Fire

Fire, fire, pretty fire

Set a piece of paper in the bottom of an empty shoebox. Add three large drops of poster paint (red, yellow, and orange). Deposit a few marbles in the box. Children manipulate the box to paint flames on the paper. At the end of the activity, remove the paper and display your unique painting on a wall.


Shape transformation

Cut several colourful shapes (squares, circles, rectangles, etc.) out of construction paper and have children use them to create an emergency vehicle.


My Dalmatian

(Open model-Dalmatian) Print for each child. Explain to your group that Dalmatians often play the role of a mascot for firefighters. Cut the model out and stick it on red construction paper. Encourage children to use a stamp or their finger dipped in black paint to add the Dalmatian’s spots. Count the spots on each Dalmatian with children’s help.

 Dalmatian spots

Giant volcano

Draw a volcano crater on a large piece of white paper. Encourage children to work together to represent an erupting volcano. They can, for example, stick pieces of torn newspaper to represent ashes, glue scraps of red, yellow, and orange paper here and there to represent lava, etc.


Puppets-Mr. Dragon

(Open puppets-Mr. Dragon) Print the puppet models on heavy cardboard. Invite children to cut them out and decorate them with various materials. Attach a Popsicle stick to the back of each model to create a puppet.


The dragon’s fire

(Open models-Dragons) Print and cut out. Stick the dragon on a piece of construction paper. Ask children to use red, orange, and yellow poster paint to paint fire coming out of the dragon’s mouth.


My little dragon

(Open my little dragon) Print, color, and cut out the pieces. Glue them on empty toilet paper rolls to create figurines. Hang them from the ceiling if you wish.


My moving dragon

(Open moving dragon) Print for each child. Have children color and cut out the different pieces. Help them assemble their dragon using fasteners.


Dragon puppet

Cut ears, eyes, a mouth, and a long tongue out of colourful construction paper. Encourage children to glue them on a brown paper bag to create a puppet.


Coloring pages theme-Fire

Fire truck accessories

(Open fire truck accessories) Print for each child. Children must cut out the hose, the ladder, and the axe and then glue them in the correct places on the fire truck using a glue stick. When they are done, they can color their fire truck and add a picture of their face in the driver’s window.



(Open models-Firefighters) Print as many copies as you need for your various projects and activities throughout the theme.




(Open coloring pages theme-Fire) Print for each child.


Creative coloring-Fire

(Open creative coloring-Fire) Print for each child. Ask children to complete the drawing.


Complete the drawing-Fire

(Open complete the drawing-Fire) Print for each child and encourage them to draw the missing elements.


Firefighters in training

(Open perpetual calendar-Professions) Print.

Greeting: Invite children to bring an item related to the firefighter profession from home.

Circle time: Discuss the firefighter profession with your group.

Special activity: Invite a firefighter to visit your daycare. Simply call your local fire station to request a visit.


Make firefighter helmets using strips of red paper. Staple each strip to create a headband that fits around a child’s head. (Open craft-Fireman helmet) Children can color and glue the firefighter logo on the front of their headband/helmet. Use a large cardboard box to represent a house and paint or glue large flames all over it. Set a small slide next to it and arrange stuffed animals inside to represent occupants. Provide swimming pool noodles that can be used as hoses. Children will love taking turns using the hoses to put out the fire, saving a stuffed animal and going down the slide with it. At the end of the day, give each child a “Firefighter in training” diploma. (Open diplomas-Firefighter in training)



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